Oracle Java 7 Security Manager Bypass Vulnerability

Systems Affected

Any system using Oracle Java 7 (1.7, 1.7.0) including:

* Java Platform Standard Edition 7 (Java SE 7)
* Java SE Development Kit (JDK 7)
* Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE 7)

Web browsers using the Java 7 Plug-in are at high risk.


A vulnerability in the way Java 7 restricts the permissions of Java
applets could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on a
vulnerable system.


A vulnerability in the Java Security Manager allows a Java applet
to grant itself permission to execute arbitrary operating system
commands. An attacker could use social engineering techniques to
entice a user to visit a link to a web site hosting a malicious

Any web browser using the Java 7 Plug-in is affected.

Reports indicate this vulnerability is being actively exploited,
and exploit code is publicly available.


By convincing a user to load a malicious Java applet, an attacker
could execute arbitrary operating system commands on a vulnerable
system with the privileges of the Java Plug-in process.


Disable the Java Plug-in

Disabling the Java web browser plug-in will prevent Java applets
from from running. Here are instructions for several common web

* Apple Safari: How to disable the Java web plug-in in Safari

* Mozilla Firefox: How to turn off Java applets

* Google Chrome: See the "Disable specific plug-ins" section of the
Chrome Plug-ins documentation.

* Microsoft Internet Explorer: Change the value of the
UseJava2IExplorer registry key to 0. Depending on the versions of
Windows and the Java plug-in, the key can be found in these

HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\{version}\UseJava2IExplorer

HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\{version}\UseJava2IExplorer

* The Java Control Panel (javacpl.exe) does not reliably configure
the Java plug-in for Internet Explorer. Instead of editing the
registry, it is possible to run javacpl.exe as Administrator,
navigate to the Advanced tab, Default Java for browsers, and use
the space bar to de-select the Microsoft Internet Explorer option.

Use NoScript

NoScript is a browser extension for Mozilla Firefox browsers that
provides options to block Java applets.